Taking A Road Trip – Is Your Car Packed Safely?

July 16 , 2021 | Safe Driving

Road trips are a rite of passage for every Wisconsinite.  The thought of going on a road trip to go camping, biking, hiking, boating, kayaking, and/or fishing just excites the senses!

While we all take to the roads to enjoy the magnificent summer weather and all the amazing outdoor spots that Wisconsin has to offer, remember that safe driving begins before you even leave your driveway. Securing luggage, maintaining vehicle balance, and keeping clear lines of sight are key elements in preparing for your drive.

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you load up your luggage, coolers, and other vacation necessities:

  • Pack only what you need since heavy cars can take longer to stop.
  • Load heavier items such as suitcases first, and toward the center. Lighter items, such as coolers, beach bags, and groceries, can be packed on top of and to the sides of the heavier items.
  • Do not pack things too high—items packed too high may obstruct the driver’s view through the rear-view mirror.
  • Make sure the weight is distributed evenly. Uneven weight can cause instability and increase the chance of the car tipping in the event of an accident.
  • Consider how you will get to the spare tire or emergency kit should there be a roadside emergency!
  • Don’t have an emergency kit?  Then purchase one.
  • Remember: Last in, first out. Organize items in the order they will or may need to be accessed.

Always ask yourself when taking a trip and packing the car, is it legal, is it safe, and is it necessary? The rules of the road cannot be compromised.  The safety of your passengers and adhering to seatbelt/child car seat laws must be the first priority before considering where to pack your luggage.

We hope these safety tips helped you prepare for your next road trip.  And remember, if you need a Milwaukee car accident attorney, we invite you to visit us at https://martin-law-office.com/.

Be safe and enjoy the remainder of your summer!