What Kind of Accident Happened in Ozaukee County?

May 22 , 2020 | Car Accidents

The spring weather is arriving in Wisconsin after a long winter. With the arrival of spring weather, there is typically an increase of people engaging in outdoor activities. Some common outdoor activities include yard work, riding bicycles and going on walks. With the increase of pedestrians and bicyclists on or near the roadways, it is of the utmost importance that drivers be vigilant. Unfortunately, a tragic accident recently occurred in Ozaukee County involving a pedestrian and a motor vehicle.

The accident occurred on Saturday, May 16, 2020. The accident occurred when a truck that was headed southbound traveled over the centerline of the roadway. The truck continued to drift through lanes of traffic until it drifted into the northbound ditch line. When the truck drifted into the ditch line, it struck an elderly pedestrian. Tragically, the pedestrian suffered fatal injuries from being struck by the truck.

After the truck struck the pedestrian, it also struck a power pole causing the pole to break. Law enforcement officials responded to the scene of the collision. The driver of the truck was taken to the hospital for an evaluation of the minor injuries sustained in the accident.  Following treatment for the injuries, the driver was arrested and charged with Operating While Intoxicated, Causing Death.

Drinking and driving is an extremely dangerous thing to do. When drivers drink and drive, they put themselves at a higher risk of being involved in a car accident. Car accidents can have serious consequences, including substantial property damage, serious injuries and even fatalities. Because of the severe consequences that can occur when an individual chooses to drink and drive, it is important that people do not drink if they are planning to drive. By ensuring that individuals do not drink and drive, it can help to keep the roadways safer for everyone.