There are many things that can cause hazards and dangers to people. Recently, reckless driving has been a serious problem in Milwaukee and has resulted in many injuries and even fatalities. Because of the significant dangers that reckless driving causes, leaders from across Milwaukee are banding together to combat the issue.
On Saturday, October 26, 2019, a group of leaders from Milwaukee held a news conference to address the issue of reckless driving in Milwaukee. The news conference came after one of the latest reckless driving incidents that occurred on Thursday, October 23, 2019. During that incident a six year old girl was fatally struck by a reckless driver. The same driver also struck the girls four year old sister and her 10 year old cousin, who were both left with serious injuries. The hit-and-run accident occurred near 22nd and Center Street. The collision occurred when the driver of the vehicle failed to stop at traffic lights.
City leaders are working on a plan to combat reckless driving in the city. City leaders have stated that the reckless driving problem is so bad that they have labeled it an epidemic. Some proposed plans to help stop this problem include allocating additional money to the Milwaukee Police Department to allow officers to work overtime for traffic patrols and to restore 30 police officer positions for traffic enforcement. City officials have also sent a letter to the governor requesting additional money to help fund their fight against reckless driving. Officials are also hoping to fund an expansion of the program Take It EZ Milwaukee. Take It EZ Milwaukee, is a program that the city enacted to help combat reckless driving throughout the city.
Reckless driving is dangerous driving and puts everyone on the roadway at risk of being involved in accident, which could result in serious injuries or even fatalities. Make sure that when you get behind the wheel you drive carefully and follow all traffic ordinances and laws.