Lots of studies have been performed about driving. These studies have covered a range of topics such as the effects of distracted driving and driving over the speed limit. Researchers continue to study driving to find out which behaviors make driving more hazards. A recent study has studied the amount of operating while under the influence arrests in each state. The study revealed some concerning news about Wisconsin.
The study was performed by SafeHome.org. The study analyzed data from all 50 states to determine which states had the highest amount of operating while under the influence arrests. The study analyzed the amount of arrests for operating under the influence per 100,000 people in the population. After analyzing the data, Wisconsin ranked 9th in the country for the most operating under the influence arrests with 406.2 arrests per 100,000 people.
The study also determined other states that have high amounts of people being arrested for operating while under the influence. The other states that round out the top ten are South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, Maine, Colorado, Alaska, Hawaii, Montana and Vermont.
While being ranked in the top 10 for amount of operating while under the influence arrests is not good news, all of the news that came out of the study was not all bad for Wisconsin. The study also found that since 2007, the amount of OWIs in Wisconsin have decreased by 44.5%. The decrease in OWIs seems to be happening all across the country. Only two states, Delaware and North Dakota, have seen an increase in the amount of OWIs.
The study also found that 31% of the traffic fatalities in Wisconsin involved a drunk driver. Additionally, drunk driving kills many people each year and plays a role in one third of all traffic accidents nationwide.