What Are Some Safe Driving Tips for Fall?

September 19 , 2019 | Safe Driving

Now that it is September, fall and fall weather is just around the corner. With the beginning of fall comes changes in the weather, the end of daylight savings time and the return of children to school. These events can pose challenges and hazards to driving during the fall. Because of these hazards and challenges, drivers need to be paying the utmost attention to the roadways to ensure that are helping to keep themselves and others safe. The following are some tips for safe driving during the fall:

  1. Know that it will get darker sooner. The daylight ends sooner during the fall, which can increase the amount of time that people are driving during darkness. According to the National Safety Council, 50 percent of traffic deaths when it is dark. Use extra caution while driving during dark hours and make sure to use your headlights.
  2. Be aware that the roads may be damp. Dampness can cause the roadways to be slick, therefore increasing the likelihood of sliding while on the roadway. Ensure that you are traveling at a speed that is safe for the weather conditions.
  3. Be on the look out for children. Many children will have returned to school, which can cause an increase of children on the roadways bicycling and walking to and from school. Additionally, many children will be going to and from school via school buses. Drivers should make sure that they are stopping for school buses and on the look out for children when they are around.
  4. Watch out for animals on the roadways. The beginning of fall brings an increased risk of hitting an animal on the roadways, especially deer. Drivers should be aware of the potential of animals running into the roadways. Also, if you see one deer, it is likely that there are more in the area, and drivers should slow their speed and be on the look out for other deer.

By following these safety tips, you can help keep the roadways safe for yourself and others during the fall months.