What Should You be Watching for on Wisconsin Highways?

May 13 , 2019 | Car Accidents

The weather in Wisconsin is becoming warmer as summer draws closer. As the weather gets warmer, more motorists and pedestrians are out on the roadways. Additionally with the warmer weather, there is typically more construction on the highways. In addition to construction workers on the roadways, Adopt-A-Highway crews will be out picking up the garbage that has accumulated on the sides of the highway.

In the coming weeks, volunteers from Wisconsin Adopt-A-Highway will be working along state highways to collect all of the trash that accumulated throughout the winter. Last year volunteers with the program collected over 144 tons of trash and recyclables that were on the sides of the highways. Crew members help to keep Wisconsin highway roadsides clean and attractive.

The important service that the volunteers are performing is not without its dangers though. The volunteers work on the sides of busy freeways to pick up the garbage, which puts them at risk for being hit by vehicles that are traveling on the freeways. Therefore, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation is asking drivers to be aware of the program and keep an eye out when they see the volunteers.

To help keep the roadways safe for the volunteers, drivers need to focus all of their attention on the roadways and driving and should avoid all distracted driving activities. Drivers should also adhere to the posted speed limit when driving, as the faster a vehicle is traveling, the more distance it takes for the vehicle to stop. By ensuring that you are putting all of attention on the roadway, not engaging in distracted driving activities and traveling the speed limit, you can help keep the roadways safer for yourself and the Adopt-A-Highway volunteers, who are working to make the roadways look nice for all.