How is the Widow of a Car Accident Victim Making the Roads Safer?

March 18 , 2019 | Car Accidents

Some of the groups that are most at risk for being injured on the roadways are pedestrians and bicyclists. When a collision occurs between a motor vehicle and a pedestrian or bicyclist, the pedestrian or bicyclist is highly likely to get the worst of it. Unfortunately, accidents involving bicyclists and pedestrians can have tragic consequences including fatalities. Following the tragic death of her husband, a widow is trying to make the roadways safer for other bicyclists.

In June 2018, a beloved Waukesha county doctor was riding his bicycle on Golf Road in Delafield, Wisconsin. During his routine bike ride, the doctor was struck by a vehicle and killed while riding on the unpaved shoulder of the roadway. Ever since the tragic accident involving her husband, the doctor’s widow has been on a mission to make the roadways safer for people who are riding their bikes.

In her mission to make the roadways safer for bicyclists, Shirley Yagoda has raised over $70,000 to help improve the roadways. She donated the money that she raised to the county, so the county would pave the shoulder of the road to make it safer for those riding their bikes. Yagoda hopes that her efforts will ensure that no other family has to experience the same pain from a bicycle accident.

The county plans to pave the shoulder on the roadway in the late summer or early fall. The new pavement will help to provide an area for runners, bicyclists and other people to use. Yagoda is very excited for the roadway to be paved. She also plans to continue on her mission to make the roadways safer for bicyclists and pedestrians alike.