Wisconsin Fire Chief Killed in Accident

January 14 , 2019 | Car Accidents

Drinking and driving is extremely dangerous. It puts not only the safety of the driver who is operating a vehicle while impaired at risk, but also puts at risk other people on the roadways. When people drink and drive, tragic accidents happen, such as the one that occurred on New Year’s Eve in Monona, Wisconsin.

The tragic accident occurred when the Fire Chief from Lake Mills was driving eastbound on Highway 12 around 7:00 pm on New Year’s Eve. The Fire Chief saw an accident, and stopped to assist those who were involved. The Fire Chief exited his vehicle and went to assist those involved in the accident, when he was struck by another vehicle. Law enforcement officials responded to the scene of the accident, and the Fire Chief was transported to the hospital, but sadly passed away due to his injuries.

The driver of the vehicle that struck the victim stayed on scene after the collision. Law enforcement officials arrested the driver of the vehicle for homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle. Formal charges have not yet been filed.

Drinking while driving is an activity that should be avoided at all costs. When you drink and drive, you increase the probability of being involved in an automobile accident. Automobile accidents can cause serious injuries and fatalities. If you know that you will be consuming alcohol, you should not be planning on driving and should make alternative arrangements to get home safely. By ensuring that you do not drink and drive, you help to prevent accidents, thus keeping yourself and others safe on the roadways.