Pizza Company to Help Repair Potholes in Milwaukee

August 31 , 2018 | Car Accidents

Problems with the roadways can help contribute to accidents, especially if drivers are not focused on the roadway or are engaging in distracted driver activities. A common problem with the roadways in Milwaukee is potholes. Recently the pizza company, Domino’s, stated that it plans to save carryout pizza by helping to fill potholes in the roadways. Milwaukee was one of the cities selected by the company to receive grants to help repair these potholes.

Domino’s began their “Paving for Pizza” grant program in June of this year. The cities the pizza company decides to give grants to fix the potholes to are based on the amount of nominations a city receives. After receiving a high number of nominations, Milwaukee was selected as one of the cities to receive grants to help repair the potholes in the roadways all over the city. Thus far, Milwaukee is one of 11 communities that has been selected to receive a grant for pothole repair. Because of the popularity of the program, Domino’s had decided to expand it, so that the company will issue a grant to help with pothole repair in one community in each state.

This program helps to show that issues with the roadways can cause problems for drivers. While this program is aimed at fixing the roadways to help keep pizzas from damage on their commute from a Domino’s location to a home, it also shows the importance of paying attention to the roadways. Because unexpected damage to the roadways can occur, it is important that drivers focus their full attention to the roadways and do not engage in distracted driving. If one is focused solely on driving, it will be easier for them to see problems with the roadways and therefore help to avoid them and drive past the area safely. By practicing safe and attentive driving, drivers can help to keep themselves and their pizza safe from injury.