Hot Weather Can Cause Pavement Buckling

June 18 , 2018 | Car Accidents

Summer in Wisconsin is finally here. The summer can bring hot weather to Wisconsin. Unfortunately, hot weather can cause pavement buckling, which can make the roadways more hazardous for travelers. Because more people tend to take trips and travel during the summertime in Wisconsin, it is important that those who will be hitting the roadways know about pavement buckling and how to stay safe if it occurs.

Pavement buckling can be caused by hot weather. It can occur when the hot weather causes the slabs of pavement that make up a roadway to expand and push against each other. If the pressure from the pavement expanding and pushing up against becomes too great, it will cause the pavement to buckle. According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, it is hard to predict when pavement buckling will occur, but it most likely to happen during the first few major heat waves of the season.

Because of the problems and risks that can occur when pavement buckles, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation has published some tips to help keep motorists safe on the roadways. Here are some of their tips:

  • Check resources such as 511 Travel Information before your trip to be informed about any incidents or delays on the roadways, so you are able to plan accordingly.
  • Always wear your seat belt while in a motor vehicle. No matter if you are the driver or a passenger, a seat belt is important for your safety.
  • Be mindful of your speed. It is important that you adhere to the posted speed limit and speeds that are safe for the conditions. The faster a vehicle is going, the longer it takes for the vehicle to stop, thus giving you less time to react to potential pavement problems or other problems that may be encountered in the roadway.
  • Be prepared for the unexpected, such as delays and repair teams. Be ready to move over or slow down for emergency vehicles and/or roadside workers.

By being prepared for potential pavement buckling, we can help to make the roadways safer for everyone.