Staying Safe during the Upcoming Holiday Season

November 15 , 2017 | Personal Injury

Did you know that Thanksgiving is one of the most dangerous holidays of the year?

When most people think dangerous days, their first thoughts usually go to the Super Bowl or Fourth of July. Yes, those days can be dangerous, too, but between car accidents, heart attacks and cooking and serving mishaps, Thanksgiving is the most dangerous day of the year.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported in 2012 that there were more car-related deaths on Thanksgiving Day than any other day of the year. A large portion of these deaths are related to drunk driving and failure to wear a seat belt. Depending on where you are in the country, you may also face hazardous winter weather conditions, which can compound the risk of being injured or dying in a car accident.

Thanksgiving should be a time for family and fun, not car accidents. Here are some safety tips to help you avoid Thanksgiving’s hazards:

  1. If you live somewhere where ice and snow are a problem, clean your windshield wipers and check your tire pressure on the day before Thanksgiving. Follow the weather forecasts for your destination and plan accordingly.
  2. As with any other day, don’t drink and drive.
  3. Drivers should be well-rested and alert and give their full attention to the road. That means no cell phones. Delegate cell phone duty to your passenger if absolutely necessary.
  4. Follow the rules of the road and respect road conditions, especially in unfamiliar places.
  5. Use caution in work zones.
  6. Don’t tailgate. For every 10 miles per hour you are driving, leave one car length between you and the car in front of you. This gives you more time to stop if something goes wrong.
  7. Clean your headlights, taillights, signal lights and windows.