During the summer in Wisconsin, there are many motrocycles on the roadways. Both drivers of motorcycles and drivers of cars, trucks and SUVs should participate in safe driving practices to help ensure the safety of everyone on the roadways.
On Sunday, June 30th, there was a motorcycle accident in Kenosha County, Wisconsin. The accident occurred very early in the morning, close to 2:00 am. The accident occurred on East Frontage Road.
The motorcycle was carrying the driver and a passenger when the accident occurred. Based on the investigation performed at the scene of the accident by law enforcement officials, the accident likely happened when the motorcycle was unable to negotiate a curve in the road. The motorcycle collided with a guard rail and both of the occupants were thrown off. Very sadly, both the driver and passenger passed away from injuries sustained in the accident.
Law enforcement officials believe that speed was a factor that contributed to the accident.
Whether you are in a car, truck, motorocyle or another type of motorvehicle, abiding by the speed limit is one way to help make your next trip a safe one. Drivers should always travel at a speed that is in accordance with the speed limit and safe for the weather conditions.
How can we get drivers to abide by the speed limit?