Train and Semi Truck Collide

February 6 , 2017 | Car Accidents

Car accidents occur every day. Motor vehicle accidents are dangerous and scary, and can have diverse parties involved in them. An accident occurred recently between two different types of motor vehicles.

On Saturday, January 21st, a commuter train and a semi truck collided. The semi truck was crossing the train tracks when it was hit by a commuter train. The collision between the two was so powerful that the semi truck was severed in half afterwards.

The Utah Transit Authority could the accident on video. The UTA also performed an investigation into the accident. The investigation found that the crossing gates were up and the flashing lights and noises that typically accompany an approaching train were not functioning at the time of the collision.

In the event of a power outage or lack of signal, authorities put the gates down as a safety precaution. The crossing gates had been put into the down position because of the weather conditions of snow and ice, but when an employee reported to the location the gates were in the up position. The UTA is investigating why this happened so as to ensure it will not happen again.

Thankfully, none of the people involved in the accident sustained serious injuries.

It is of the utmost importance to pay close attention to the road an your surroundings while driving. Being aware of what is around you can help to keep you and other people safe.

What do you think about this accident?