New Traffic Law Effective in Wisconsin

October 10 , 2016 | Car Accidents

A new traffic law took effect in Wisconsin beginning on October 1, 2016. This new law makes it illegal to talk on cellphones while traveling through a construction zone. This law applies to all of Wisconsin.

Whenever you are in a construction zone, it is now illegal to talk, text or use other apps on your cellular device while you are driving. If a police officer sees you participating in any of the forementioned activities while you are driving through a construction zone, you will recieve a $40 fine for a first offense.

Wisconsin State Troopers want to spread the word about the new law going into effect. They hope that this new rule will help to reduce distracted driving. Distracted driving can lead to automobile accidents.

The new law does not prohibit the use of hands-free Bluetooth devices while driving.

When driving it is important to pay close attention to the road. Putting cellphones away while driving is a good idea because cell phones can be distracting. If you need to make a call while driving, find a safe place to pull over to make the call.

Talking on your cell phone or using your cell phone while driving not only puts you at a greater risk of being involved in an automobile accident, but also puts the lives of others at risk including construction workers. No call or text is worth yours or someone else’s life.

What do you think about this new law? Will it help reduce distracted driving?