Highest Amount of Teen Driver Accidents Occur During the Summer

August 4 , 2016 | Car Accidents

During the summers of 2012 to 2014, greater than 5,000 people have died in automobile accidents involving teen drivers according to AAA. The Foundation for Traffic Safety completed a study that showed almost 60% of teen accidents involved distracted drivers. According to AAA, over the past five years, the average number of accidents involving teenage drivers increased 16% per day during the summer compared to other days of the year.

There are several reasons for the increase in teen automobile accidents. During the summer, teenagers are driving more frequently. According to the National Safety Council, the teenagers driving may be more recreational than purposeful. For example, teenagers may be driving to a beach or amusement park and traveling roads they haven’t traveled before.

Another reason for the increase in teen automobile accidents during the summer is that teens might be driving with their friends more frequently. Passengers can be a distraction the whole time a teen is driving, therefore increasing the likelihood they will be involved in an accident. According to the National Safety Council, passengers  increase the risk of a teen driver having a fatal crash by about 44%.

By educating teen drivers about the dangers of driving while distracted, we can help to lower the amount of automobile accidents involving teenagers.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an automobile accident, contact Martin Law Office for a free consultation.