Hot Weather Increases Likelihood of Pavement Buckling

July 21 , 2016 | Car Accidents

With considerably hot and humid weather conditions coming this week, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation wants to remind drivers that there is potential for pavement buckling.

According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, the hot weather causes the pavement to expand, and where there are expansion joints, the slabs of pavement push against one another. If there is enough pressure produced from the slabs of pavement pushing against each other, the pavement will buckle.

While it cannot be known for certain if or when pavement buckling will occur, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation offers some tips for drivers:

  • Be aware of your surroundings, slow down, wear your seatbelt and eliminate distractions while driving
  • Watch for slow traffic
  • Be prepared to move over for roadside workers
  • Check 511 Wisconsin for information on any incidents or delays
  • If necessary, conteact the police to report serious pavement problems

By being vigilant and practicing safe driving techniques, we can all make the road a safer place during the upcoming hot days.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an automobile accident, contact Martin Law Office for a free consultation.